We have a saying on Islay, "Come for the whisky, return for the island".
Whether it's the whisky or the festival atmosphere that draws you here, you are bound to be mesmerised by the combination of tastings, tours, beaches, walks, ceilidhs, sunsets and sunrises.
There truly is something here for everyone, and the feeling of this one big party of people gathered all for the love of the island and its whisky has to be seen to be believed.
Fèis Ìle is a non-profit organisation. Everything we do is working towards two aims: building a better festival and supporting the culture and community of Islay.
Every year we work hard to promote Islay culture through our events - both during the festival and throughout the year. Supporting the artists, charities and organisations that support us during the festival.
Our Festival Committee comprises of local volunteers supporting everything that the festival does. That means whenever you donate, buy a ticket or visit one of our events you're supporting us in our aims.
Putting on our own festival events allows us to raise money which can then be used to support local charities and causes. Everything goes back to supporting Islay.
10 years in a row.. First Féis in 2005.. Thanks for having us tourists every year! I'm so happy to have found this Isle!! Slainte mhath!
First time on Islay and what can I say.... I’ll be back!! Great day at Bruichladdich, great people, great music, and most of all, great whisky (and gin)!
This year was my first #fèisìle and while we all came out of our love for the world’s finest whisky, it was experiencing humanity at it’s finest that truly stuck a chord with me. Here we are all one.